The Muslim Institute of Film and Television Artists is a collective of the UK's leading Muslim creative talent in film and television.

We're here to change the narrative about Muslims in film and TV through content. To tell stories and create great new drama that subverts the old narratives, reveal new perspectives and challenge opinions ABOUT the mUSLIM world.

About Us

MIFTA isn't just about Islam, it's about opportunities for talented people, and acknowledging what people have to contribute to our society as human beings beyond just their religion.

Our Mission

To encourage broadcasters, production companies and organisations in the UK film and TV industries to work with Muslim talent to create content that addresses the  negative portrayal of Islam in the media and to increase representation, particularly at an authorial level.


Work with us to create a more just and representative industry in the UK and globally.

Our Campaigns

Muslim Cultures Week

Our flagship campaign, Muslim Cultures Week, is a celebration of Islam and the people who live in Muslim countries, their history and contribution to the arts and civilization.


Become a partner with us for positive change in the industry. Contact us at info@mifta.org

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